
General Objects

Filter Objects

Array Objects


String Enums Constants

Kaltura API

Service Name flavorAsset
Description Retrieve information and invoke actions on Flavor Asset
Name Description
addAdd flavor asset
updateUpdate flavor asset
setContentUpdate content of flavor asset
getGet Flavor Asset by ID
getByEntryIdGet Flavor Assets for Entry
listList Flavor Assets by filter and pager
getWebPlayableByEntryIdGet web playable Flavor Assets for Entry
convertAdd and convert new Flavor Asset for Entry with specific Flavor Params
reconvertReconvert Flavor Asset by ID
deleteDelete Flavor Asset by ID
getUrlGet download URL for the asset
getRemotePathsGet remote storage existing paths for the asset
getDownloadUrlGet download URL for the Flavor Asset
getFlavorAssetsWithParamsGet Flavor Asset with the relevant Flavor Params (Flavor Params can exist without Flavor Asset & vice versa)