
General Objects

Filter Objects

Array Objects


String Enums Constants

Kaltura API

Service Name baseEntry
Description Base Entry Service
Name Description
addGeneric add entry, should be used when the uploaded entry type is not known.
addContentAttach content resource to entry in status NO_MEDIA
addFromUploadedFileGeneric add entry using an uploaded file, should be used when the uploaded entry type is not known.
getGet base entry by ID.
getRemotePathsGet remote storage existing paths for the asset.
updateUpdate base entry. Only the properties that were set will be updated.
updateContentUpdate the content resource associated with the entry.
getByIdsGet an array of KalturaBaseEntry objects by a comma-separated list of ids.
deleteDelete an entry.
listList base entries by filter with paging support.
listByReferenceIdList base entries by filter according to reference id
countCount base entries by filter.
uploadUpload a file to Kaltura, that can be used to create an entry.
updateThumbnailJpegUpdate entry thumbnail using a raw jpeg file.
updateThumbnailFromUrlUpdate entry thumbnail using url.
updateThumbnailFromSourceEntryUpdate entry thumbnail from a different entry by a specified time offset (in seconds).
flagFlag inappropriate entry for moderation.
rejectReject the entry and mark the pending flags (if any) as moderated (this will make the entry non-playable).
approveApprove the entry and mark the pending flags (if any) as moderated (this will make the entry playable).
listFlagsList all pending flags for the entry.
anonymousRankAnonymously rank an entry, no validation is done on duplicate rankings.
getContextDataThis action delivers entry-related data, based on the user's context: access control, restriction, playback format and storage information.
indexIndex an entry by id.