Name | Type | Writable | Description |
Percent | float | | percent of usage out of partner's package. if usageGB is 5 and package is 10GB, this value will be 50
| hostingGB | float | | Partner total hosting in GB on the disk
| packageBW | int | | package total BW - actually this is usage, which represents BW+storage
| reachedLimitDate | int | | date when partner reached the limit of his package (timestamp)
| usageGB | float | | total usage in GB - including bandwidth and storage
| usageGraph | string | | a semi-colon separated list of comma-separated key-values to represent a usage graph.
keys could be 1-12 for a year view (1,1.2;2,1.1;3,0.9;...;12,1.4;)
keys could be 1-[28,29,30,31] depending on the requested month, for a daily view in a given month (1,0.4;2,0.2;...;31,0.1;)