Name | Type | Writable | Description |
addEmbedHtml5Support | bool | V | Addes the HTML5 script line to the widget's embed code
createdAt | int | | |
enforceEntitlement | bool | V | Should enforce entitlement on feed entries
entryId | string | V | |
id | string | | |
partnerData | string | V | Can be used to store various partner related data as a string
partnerId | int | | |
privacyContext | string | V | Set privacy context for search entries that assiged to private and public categories within a category privacy context.
rootWidgetId | string | | |
securityPolicy | int | V | |
securityType | KalturaWidgetSecurityType | V | |
sourceWidgetId | string | V | |
uiConfId | int | V | |
updatedAt | int | | |
widgetHTML | string | | |