Name | Type | Writable | Description |
bcc | KalturaEmailNotificationRecipientProvider | V | Email recipient emails and names
body | string | V | Define the email body content
cc | KalturaEmailNotificationRecipientProvider | V | Email recipient emails and names
confirmReadingTo | string | V | Email address that a reading confirmation will be sent
contentParameters | KalturaEventNotificationParameterArray | V | Define the content dynamic parameters
customHeaders | KalturaKeyValueArray | V | Adds a e-mail custom header
format | KalturaEmailNotificationFormat | V | Define the email body format
fromEmail | string | V | Define the email sender email
fromName | string | V | Define the email sender name
hostname | string | V | Hostname to use in Message-Id and Received headers and as default HELLO string.
If empty, the value returned by SERVER_NAME is used or 'localhost.localdomain'.
messageID | string | V | Sets the message ID to be used in the Message-Id header.
If empty, a unique id will be generated.
priority | KalturaEmailNotificationTemplatePriority | V | Define the email priority
replyTo | KalturaEmailNotificationRecipientProvider | V | Default email addresses to whom the reply should be sent.
subject | string | V | Define the email subject
to | KalturaEmailNotificationRecipientProvider | V | Email recipient emails and names