Name | Type | Writable | Description |
autoCreateFlavors | string | V | Comma separated flavor params ids that should be auto converted
autoCreateThumb | string | V | Comma separated thumbnail params ids that should be auto generated
createdAt | int | | Profile creation date as Unix timestamp (In seconds)
deleteEnabled | KalturaDistributionProfileActionStatus | V | |
id | int | | Auto generated unique id
name | string | V | |
optionalAssetDistributionRules | KalturaAssetDistributionRulesArray | V | Asset Distribution Rules for assets that should be submitted if ready
optionalFlavorParamsIds | string | V | Comma separated flavor params ids that should be submitted if ready
optionalThumbDimensions | KalturaDistributionThumbDimensionsArray | V | Thumbnail dimensions that should be submitted if ready
partnerId | int | | |
providerType | KalturaDistributionProviderType | V | |
recommendedDcForDownload | int | V | The best Kaltura data center to be used to download the asset files to
recommendedDcForExecute | int | V | The best Kaltura data center to be used to execute the distribution job
recommendedStorageProfileForDownload | int | V | The best external storage to be used to download the asset files from
reportEnabled | KalturaDistributionProfileActionStatus | V | |
requiredAssetDistributionRules | KalturaAssetDistributionRulesArray | V | Assets Asset Distribution Rules for assets that are required to be ready before submission
requiredFlavorParamsIds | string | V | Comma separated flavor params ids that required to be ready before submission
requiredThumbDimensions | KalturaDistributionThumbDimensionsArray | V | Thumbnail dimensions that required to be readt before submission
status | KalturaDistributionProfileStatus | V | |
submitEnabled | KalturaDistributionProfileActionStatus | V | |
sunriseDefaultOffset | int | V | If entry distribution sunrise not specified that will be the default since entry creation time, in seconds
sunsetDefaultOffset | int | V | If entry distribution sunset not specified that will be the default since entry creation time, in seconds
updateEnabled | KalturaDistributionProfileActionStatus | V | |
updatedAt | int | | Profile last update date as Unix timestamp (In seconds)