Name | Type | Writable | Description |
avgWait | int | V | Avarage time between creation and queue time
avgWork | int | V | Avarage time between queue time end finish time
configs | KalturaSchedulerConfigArray | V | Array of the last configs
configuredId | int | V | The id as configured in the batch config
id | int | | The id of the Worker
lastStatus | int | V | last status time
lastStatusStr | string | V | last status formated
lockedJobs | KalturaBatchJobArray | V | Array of jobs that locked to this worker
name | string | V | The scheduler name
schedulerConfiguredId | int | V | The id of the scheduler as configured in the batch config
schedulerId | int | V | The id of the Scheduler
statuses | KalturaSchedulerStatusArray | V | Array of the last statuses
type | KalturaBatchJobType | V | The worker type
typeName | string | V | The friendly name of the type