Download URL:
Version: 1.0
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<xs:simpleType name="KalturaEntryType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="-1"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="1"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="2"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="5"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="6"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="7"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="10"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:simpleType name="KalturaDynamicEnum">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:simpleType name="KalturaLicenseType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:int">
<xs:enumeration value="-1"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="0"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="1"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="2"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="3"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="4"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="5"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="6"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="7"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="8"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="9"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="10"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="11"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="12"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="13"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="14"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="15"></xs:enumeration>
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<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="-2"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="-1"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="0"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="1"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="2"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="3"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="4"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="5"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="6"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="7"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="virusScan.Infected"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="virusScan.ScanFailure"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:simpleType name="KalturaMediaType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:int">
<xs:enumeration value="1"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="2"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="5"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="201"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="202"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="203"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="204"></xs:enumeration>
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<xs:enumeration value="1"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="2"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:simpleType name="KalturaAdProtocolType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="0"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="1"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="2"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="3"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:simpleType name="KalturaCaptionType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="1"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="2"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:simpleType name="KalturaLanguage">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="Abkhazian"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Afar"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Afrikaans"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Albanian"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Amharic"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Arabic"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Armenian"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Assamese"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Aymara"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Azerbaijani"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Bashkir"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Basque"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Bengali (Bangla)"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Bhutani"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Bihari"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Bislama"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Breton"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Bulgarian"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Burmese"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Byelorussian (Belarusian)"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Cambodian"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Catalan"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Chinese"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Corsican"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Croatian"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Czech"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Danish"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Dutch"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="English"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Esperanto"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Estonian"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Faeroese"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Farsi"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Fiji"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Finnish"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="French"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Frisian"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Galician"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Gaelic (Scottish)"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Gaelic (Manx)"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Georgian"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="German"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Greek"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Greenlandic"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Guarani"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Gujarati"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Hausa"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Hebrew"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Hebrew"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Hindi"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Hungarian"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Icelandic"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Indonesian"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Indonesian"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Interlingua"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Interlingue"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Inuktitut"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Inupiak"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Irish"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Italian"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Japanese"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Javanese"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Kannada"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Kashmiri"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Kazakh"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Kinyarwanda (Ruanda)"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Kirghiz"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Kirundi (Rundi)"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Korean"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Kurdish"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Laothian"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Latin"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Latvian (Lettish)"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Limburgish ( Limburger)"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Lingala"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Lithuanian"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Macedonian"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Malagasy"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Malay"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Malayalam"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Maltese"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Maori"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Marathi"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Moldavian"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Mongolian"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Nauru"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Nepali"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Norwegian"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Occitan"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Oriya"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Oromo (Afan, Galla)"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Pashto (Pushto)"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Polish"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Portuguese"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Punjabi"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Quechua"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Rhaeto-Romance"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Romanian"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Russian"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Samoan"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Sangro"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Sanskrit"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Serbian"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Serbo-Croatian"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Sesotho"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Setswana"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Shona"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Sindhi"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Sinhalese"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Siswati"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Slovak"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Slovenian"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Somali"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Spanish"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Sundanese"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Swahili (Kiswahili)"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Swedish"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Tagalog"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Tajik"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Tamil"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Tatar"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Telugu"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Thai"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Tibetan"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Tigrinya"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Tonga"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Tsonga"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Turkish"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Turkmen"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Twi"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Uighur"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Ukrainian"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Urdu"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Uzbek"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Vietnamese"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Volapuk"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Welsh"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Wolof"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Xhosa"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Yiddish"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Yiddish"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Yoruba"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="Zulu"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:simpleType name="KalturaAttachmentType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="1"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="2"></xs:enumeration>
<xs:enumeration value="3"></xs:enumeration>
mrss element (T_mrss)
Wrapper element holding XML structureAttributes
Attribute Name |
Description |
Required |
Type |
Restrictions |
version |
Indicates the XSD version to be used
No |
string |
Element Name |
Description |
Required |
Maximum Appearances |
Type |
Restrictions |
channel |
holding multiple item elements
Yes |
Unbounded |
XML Example
<mrss version="2.0">
channel element (T_channel)
Wrapper element holding multiple item elementsSub-Elements
Element Name |
Description |
Required |
Maximum Appearances |
Type |
Restrictions |
item |
holding entry element
Yes |
Unbounded |
XML Example
<mrss version="2.0">
item element (T_item)
Single entry wrapper elementSub-Elements
Element Name |
Description |
Required |
Maximum Appearances |
Type |
Restrictions |
result |
Action results
Yes |
1 |
action |
Entry action that applied on the entry element
Yes |
1 |
string |
Acceptable values:
entryId |
ID of entry that the action appled on
Yes |
1 |
string |
Maximum length: 20 characters
referenceID |
Partner external reference string
No |
1 |
string |
createdAt |
Entry creation date as Unix timestamp (In seconds)
Yes |
1 |
int |
updatedAt |
Entry last update date as Unix timestamp (In seconds)
Yes |
1 |
int |
title |
Entry name
Yes |
1 |
string |
Maximum length: 60 characters
type |
Entry type
Yes |
1 |
KalturaEntryType |
licenseType |
Entry license type
Yes |
1 |
KalturaLicenseType |
userId |
The ID of the user who is the owner of this entry
Yes |
1 |
string |
name |
Entry name
Yes |
1 |
string |
Maximum length: 60 characters
status |
Entry current status
Yes |
1 |
KalturaEntryStatus |
description |
Entry free text description
No |
1 |
string |
thumbnailUrl |
Download URL of the entry thumbnail
No |
1 |
tags |
Entry searchable keywords
No |
1 |
category |
Entry assigned category
No |
Unbounded |
partnerData |
Used to store various partner related data as a string
No |
1 |
string |
partnerSortData |
Used to store various partner related data as a numeric value
No |
1 |
int |
accessControlId |
The id of the access control profile that assigned to this entry
No |
1 |
int |
conversionProfileId |
The ingestion profile that used to ingest this entry
No |
1 |
int |
startDate |
Entry scheduling start date
No |
1 |
int |
endDate |
Entry scheduling end date. If not specified the entry will be available forever
No |
1 |
int |
Choice |
No |
1 |
One of the following choices
media |
Option 1 |
Media related information, such as media type
Yes |
1 |
Choice |
No |
Unbounded |
One of the following choices
content |
Option 1 |
Flavor asset information
Yes |
1 |
thumbnail |
Option 2 |
Thumbnail asset information
Yes |
1 |
Extensions: |
scenes |
A cue points wrapper element
No |
Unbounded |
customDataItems |
All custom metadata elemets
No |
Unbounded |
subTitles |
All subTitles elements
No |
Unbounded |
attachments |
All attachments elements
No |
Unbounded |
attachment |
Attachment asset element
No |
Unbounded |
XML Example
<entryId>{entry id}</entryId>
<title>my entry name</title>
<link>http://my.feed.url?entry_id={entry id}</link>
<name>my entry name</name>
<description>my entry free text description</description>
<thumbnailUrl url="http://kaltura.domain/thumbnail/path/to/file.jpg"></thumbnailUrl>
<category name="example1">examples
<category name="example2">examples
<partnerData>my advanced data</partnerData>
<accessControlId>{access control id}</accessControlId>
<conversionProfileId>{conversion profile id}</conversionProfileId>
<thumbnail url="http://kaltura.domain/thumbnail/path/to/thumbnail1.jpg">...</thumbnail>
<thumbnail url="http://kaltura.domain/thumbnail/path/to/thumbnail2.jpg">...</thumbnail>
<content url="http://kaltura.domain/flavor/path/to/flavor1.flv">...</content>
<content url="http://kaltura.domain/flavor/path/to/flavor2.flv">...</content>
result element (T_result)
Entry action result elementSub-Elements
Element Name |
Description |
Required |
Maximum Appearances |
Type |
Restrictions |
errorDescription |
Ingestion error description
Yes |
1 |
string |
XML Example
<entryId>{entry id}</entryId>
tags element (T_tags)
Free text tagsSub-Elements
Element Name |
Description |
Required |
Maximum Appearances |
Type |
Restrictions |
tag |
Free text keyword
Yes |
Unbounded |
string |
category element (T_category)
Category assignments for entriesAttributes
Attribute Name |
Description |
Required |
Type |
Restrictions |
name |
Category name
Yes |
string |
Element Name |
Description |
Required |
Maximum Appearances |
Type |
Restrictions |
Extended from xs:string
media element (T_media)
Media related information, such as media typeSub-Elements
Element Name |
Description |
Required |
Maximum Appearances |
Type |
Restrictions |
mediaType |
Entry media type
Yes |
1 |
KalturaMediaType |
duration |
Entry media (video/audio) duration
Yes |
1 |
int |
flavorParamsIds |
Flavor params ids that have compatible ready flavor asset
Yes |
1 |
string |
XML Example
<entryId>{entry id}</entryId>
content element (T_content)
Flavor asset elementAttributes
Attribute Name |
Description |
Required |
Type |
Restrictions |
url |
Download URL
Yes |
string |
flavorAssetId |
ID of the flavor asset
Yes |
string |
containerFormat |
Format of the asset file
Yes |
string |
format |
Configured format of the flavor
Yes |
string |
extension |
Flavor asset file extension
Yes |
string |
isSource |
Is the source flavor asset
Yes |
boolean |
height |
Flavor height
No |
int |
width |
Flavor width
No |
int |
videoBitrate |
Flavor asset video bitrate
No |
int |
videoCodec |
Flavor asset video codec
No |
string |
audioBitrate |
Flavor asset audio bitrate
No |
int |
audioCodec |
Flavor asset audio codec
No |
string |
frameRate |
Flavor asset frame rate
No |
int |
flavorParamsId |
ID of accosiated flavor params
No |
int |
flavorParamsName |
System name of accosiated flavor params
No |
string |
assetId |
The asset id to be updated with this resource
userd only for update
No |
string |
Element Name |
Description |
Required |
Maximum Appearances |
Type |
Restrictions |
tags |
Specifies specific tags you want to set for the flavor asset
No |
1 |
XML Example
<entryId>{entry id}</entryId>
<content url="http://kaltura.domain/path/my_flavor_asset.flv" isSource="true" containerFormat="flash video" extension="flv" assetId="{flavor asset id}" flavorParamsId="0" flavorParamsName="Source" format="" videoBitrate="0" videoCodec="" audioBitrate="0" audioCodec="" frameRate="0" height="0" width="0">
thumbnail element (T_thumbnail)
Thumbnail asset elementAttributes
Attribute Name |
Description |
Required |
Type |
Restrictions |
url |
Download URL
Yes |
string |
thumbAssetId |
Thumbnail asset id
Yes |
string |
format |
Format of the thumbnail asset file
Yes |
string |
isDefault |
Is the entry default thumbnail
Yes |
boolean |
height |
Thumbnail height
No |
int |
width |
Thumbnail width
No |
int |
thumbParamsId |
ID of thumbnail params that associated with the thumbnail
No |
int |
Element Name |
Description |
Required |
Maximum Appearances |
Type |
Restrictions |
tags |
Entry searchable keywords
No |
1 |
XML Example
<entryId>{entry id}</entryId>
<thumbnail url="http://kaltura.domain/path/my_thumbnail_asset.flv" thumbAssetId="{thumb asset id}" isDefault="false" format="" height="120" width="120">
scene-customData element (T_customData)
XML for custom metadataAttributes
Attribute Name |
Description |
Required |
Type |
Restrictions |
metadataId |
The identifier of the custom metadata object that an update/delete action applies to
No |
int |
metadataProfile |
The schema profile system name of the custom metadata
No |
string |
Maximum length: 120 characters
metadataProfileId |
The schema profile identifier of the custom metadata
No |
int |
Element Name |
Description |
Required |
Maximum Appearances |
Type |
Restrictions |
action |
The action to apply:
transformXslt - transform metadata object using Xslt
No |
1 |
string |
Acceptable values:
xslt |
The xslt to transform on the current metadata object
No |
1 |
xmlData |
metadata xml Data
No |
1 |
XML Example
<scene-ad-cue-point entryId="{entry id}">
<sceneTitle>my ad title</sceneTitle>
<scene-customData metadataProfile="MY_AD_METADATA_PROFILE_SYSTEM_NAME">
<adData>my ad custom data</adData>
scenes element (T_scenes)
A cue points wrapper elementSub-Elements
Element Name |
Description |
Required |
Maximum Appearances |
Type |
Restrictions |
action |
The action to apply from the item element:
Update - Update an existing entry
No |
1 |
string |
scene |
A cue point element
No |
Unbounded |
XML Example
<scene-ad-cue-point entryId="{entry id}" systemName="MY_AD_CUE_POINT_SYSTEM_NAME">...</scene-ad-cue-point>
<scene-annotation entryId="{entry id}" systemName="MY_ANNOTATION_PARENT_SYSTEM_NAME">...</scene-annotation>
<scene-annotation entryId="{entry id}">...</scene-annotation>
<scene-code-cue-point entryId="{entry id}">...</scene-code-cue-point>
scene element (abstract T_scene)
A base cue point element. This is an abstract element and cannot be used. Use only extended elements.
Attribute Name |
Description |
Required |
Type |
Restrictions |
sceneId |
The identifier of the cue point that an update/delete action applies to
No |
string |
Maximum length: 250 characters
systemName |
The system name of the cue point that an update/delete action applies to
No |
string |
Maximum length: 120 characters
Element Name |
Description |
Required |
Maximum Appearances |
Type |
Restrictions |
sceneStartTime |
A cue point that marks the start time
Yes |
1 |
time |
tags |
Searchable keywords associated with a cue point
No |
1 |
Extended elements
- scene-ad-cue-point
- scene-code-cue-point
- scene-annotation
scene-ad-cue-point element (T_scene_adCuePointBulkUploadXml)
A single advertisement cue point elementSub-Elements
Element Name |
Description |
Required |
Maximum Appearances |
Type |
Restrictions |
Extended from T_scene
sceneStartTime |
A cue point that marks the start time
Yes |
1 |
time |
tags |
Searchable keywords associated with a cue point
No |
1 |
sceneEndTime |
A cue point that marks the end time
No |
1 |
time |
sceneTitle |
Text that defines the title
No |
1 |
string |
Maximum length: 250 characters
sourceUrl |
The URL of the ad XML
No |
1 |
string |
adType |
Indicates the ad type
Yes |
1 |
KalturaAdType |
protocolType |
Indicates the ad protocol type
Yes |
1 |
KalturaAdProtocolType |
Extensions: |
scene-customData |
XML for custom metadata
No |
Unbounded |
XML Example
<scene-ad-cue-point systemName="MY_AD_CUE_POINT_SYSTEM_NAME">
<sceneTitle>my ad title</sceneTitle>
scene-code-cue-point element (T_scene_codeCuePointBulkUploadXml)
A single code cue point elementSub-Elements
Element Name |
Description |
Required |
Maximum Appearances |
Type |
Restrictions |
Extended from T_scene
sceneStartTime |
A cue point that marks the start time
Yes |
1 |
time |
tags |
Searchable keywords associated with a cue point
No |
1 |
sceneEndTime |
A cue point that marks the end time
No |
1 |
time |
code |
Textual code
No |
1 |
string |
Maximum length: 250 characters
description |
A free text description
No |
1 |
string |
Extensions: |
scene-customData |
XML for custom metadata
No |
Unbounded |
XML Example
<scene-code-cue-point entryId="{entry id}">
<description>my code cue point description</description>
scene-annotation element (T_scene_annotationBulkUploadXml)
A single annotation cue point elementSub-Elements
Element Name |
Description |
Required |
Maximum Appearances |
Type |
Restrictions |
Extended from T_scene
sceneStartTime |
A cue point that marks the start time
Yes |
1 |
time |
tags |
Searchable keywords associated with a cue point
No |
1 |
sceneEndTime |
A cue point that marks the end time
Yes |
1 |
time |
sceneText |
A free text description
No |
1 |
string |
Choice |
No |
1 |
One of the following choices
parent |
Option 1 |
The system name of a parent annotation
Yes |
1 |
string |
Maximum length: 120 characters
parentId |
Option 2 |
The identifier of a parent annotation
Yes |
1 |
string |
Maximum length: 250 characters
Extensions: |
scene-customData |
XML for custom metadata
No |
Unbounded |
XML Example 1: Single annotation
<scene-annotation entryId="{entry id}">
<sceneText>my annotation</sceneText>
Example 2: Multiple related annotations
<scene-annotation entryId="{entry id}" systemName="MY_ANNOTATION_PARENT_SYSTEM_NAME">
<sceneText>my annotation parent</sceneText>
<scene-annotation entryId="{entry id}">
<sceneText>my annotation child</sceneText>
customDataItems element (T_customDataItems)
All custom metadata elemetsSub-Elements
Element Name |
Description |
Required |
Maximum Appearances |
Type |
Restrictions |
action |
The action to apply:
Update - Update metadata for existing entry
No |
1 |
string |
customData |
All custom data elemets
No |
Unbounded |
XML Example
customData element (T_customData)
XML for custom metadataAttributes
Attribute Name |
Description |
Required |
Type |
Restrictions |
metadataId |
The identifier of the custom metadata object that an update/delete action applies to
No |
int |
metadataProfile |
The schema profile system name of the custom metadata
No |
string |
Maximum length: 120 characters
metadataProfileId |
The schema profile identifier of the custom metadata
No |
int |
Element Name |
Description |
Required |
Maximum Appearances |
Type |
Restrictions |
action |
The action to apply:
transformXslt - transform metadata object using Xslt
No |
1 |
string |
Acceptable values:
xslt |
The xslt to transform on the current metadata object
No |
1 |
xmlData |
metadata xml Data
No |
1 |
XML Example
<customData metadataId="{metadata id}" metadataProfile="MY_METADATA_PROFILE_SYSTEM_NAME}" metadataProfileId="{metadata profile id}">
<TextFieldName>entry field value</TextFieldName>
<MultipleTextFieldName>entry multiple text field value1</MultipleTextFieldName>
<MultipleTextFieldName>entry multiple text field value2</MultipleTextFieldName>
<TextSelectionListFieldName>entry selected text value</TextSelectionListFieldName>
xmlData element (T_xmlData)
XML data for custom metadataSub-Elements
Element Name |
Description |
Required |
Maximum Appearances |
Type |
Restrictions |
[Any element] |
The XML for custom metadata according to a schema profile
Yes |
1 |
any type |
XML Example
<TextFieldName>entry field value</TextFieldName>
<MultipleTextFieldName>entry multiple text field value1</MultipleTextFieldName>
<MultipleTextFieldName>entry multiple text field value2</MultipleTextFieldName>
<TextSelectionListFieldName>entry selected text value</TextSelectionListFieldName>
subTitles element (T_subTitles)
All subTitles elementsSub-Elements
Element Name |
Description |
Required |
Maximum Appearances |
Type |
Restrictions |
action |
The action to apply:
Update - Update existing subtitles
No |
1 |
string |
subTitle |
All subTitles elements
No |
Unbounded |
XML Example
subTitle element (T_subTitle)
A single caption asset elementAttributes
Attribute Name |
Description |
Required |
Type |
Restrictions |
captionParamsId |
The asset id to be updated with this resource used only for update
No |
int |
captionParams |
System name of caption params to be associated with the caption asset
No |
string |
captionAssetId |
ID of caption params to be associated with the caption asset
No |
string |
isDefault |
Specifies if this asset is the default caption asset
No |
boolean |
format |
Caption asset file format
No |
KalturaCaptionType |
lang |
Caption asset file language
No |
KalturaLanguage |
Element Name |
Description |
Required |
Maximum Appearances |
Type |
Restrictions |
tags |
Specifies specific tags you want to set for the flavor asset
Yes |
1 |
Choice |
Yes |
1 |
One of the following choices
serverFileContentResource |
Option 1 |
Specifies that content ingestion location is on a Kaltura hosted server
Yes |
1 |
urlContentResource |
Option 2 |
Specifies that content file location is a URL (http,ftp)
Yes |
1 |
remoteStorageContentResource |
Option 3 |
Specifies that content file location is a path within a Kaltura defined remote storage
Yes |
1 |
remoteStorageContentResources |
Option 4 |
Set of content files within several Kaltura defined remote storages
Yes |
1 |
entryContentResource |
Option 5 |
Specifies that content is a Kaltura entry
Yes |
1 |
assetContentResource |
Option 6 |
Specifies that content is a Kaltura asset
Yes |
1 |
XML Example
<subTitle isDefault="true" format="2" lang="Hebrew">
<urlContentResource url="http://my.domain/path/"></urlContentResource>
attachments element (T_attachments)
All attachments elementsSub-Elements
Element Name |
Description |
Required |
Maximum Appearances |
Type |
Restrictions |
action |
The action to apply:
Update - Update existing attachment
No |
1 |
string |
attachment |
All attachment elements
No |
Unbounded |
XML Example
attachment element (T_attachment)
Attachment asset elementAttributes
Attribute Name |
Description |
Required |
Type |
Restrictions |
attachmentAssetId |
The asset id to be updated with this resource used only for update
No |
string |
format |
Attachment asset file format
No |
KalturaAttachmentType |
Element Name |
Description |
Required |
Maximum Appearances |
Type |
Restrictions |
tags |
Specifies specific tags you want to set for the flavor asset
No |
1 |
Choice |
Yes |
1 |
One of the following choices
serverFileContentResource |
Option 1 |
Specifies that content ingestion location is on a Kaltura hosted server
Yes |
1 |
urlContentResource |
Option 2 |
Specifies that content file location is a URL (http,ftp)
Yes |
1 |
remoteStorageContentResource |
Option 3 |
Specifies that content file location is a path within a Kaltura defined remote storage
Yes |
1 |
remoteStorageContentResources |
Option 4 |
Set of content files within several Kaltura defined remote storages
Yes |
1 |
entryContentResource |
Option 5 |
Specifies that content is a Kaltura entry
Yes |
1 |
assetContentResource |
Option 6 |
Specifies that content is a Kaltura asset
Yes |
1 |
filename |
Attachment asset file name
No |
1 |
string |
title |
Attachment asset title
No |
1 |
string |
description |
Attachment asset free text description
No |
1 |
string |
XML Example
<attachment format="1" attachmentAssetId="{asset id}">
<urlContentResource url="http://my.domain/path/file.txt"></urlContentResource>
<title>my attachment asset title</title>
<description>my attachment asset free text description</description>