Get Started!
Please login to the Kaltura Administration Console, go to the Add New Publisher page and create your first publisher account.
You will then receive an email with the Kaltura Management Console (KMC) login credentials to access & manage any publisher media.
Click on the thumbnails below to manage the media or system:
Publisher Tools (Content Admins)
The KMC supports content ingestion, media and playlist management, wyswyg application studio for creating media players, rich-media syndication, advertising and more.
Learn more in the KMC quick start guide.
Server Admin Tools (IT technicians)
The console supports multi-publisher management, user management and batch process control and monitoring.
Learn more in the Kaltura platform administration guides.
How do I integrate Kaltura CE media into my website?
- Use the Preview & Embed feature within KMC to embed Kaltura Media Players on your website.
- Use a CMS extension for known Content or Learning Management Systems - Browse extensions on the Kaltura Exchange.
- Write your own: Use the client libraries, Kaltura CE REST APIs & API test console.
Join The Discussion & Get Technical Support
- Forums [Server Side, Apps & Extensions, Widgets, HTML5, API Libraries, Education & General]
- Chat on IRC [#Kaltura on Freenode, WebChat]
- Mailing Lists [Education]
- Blogs [Kaltura blog,, Open Video Alliance]
- Stay updated! [Sign for the Kaltura Newsletter, Follow @Kaltura, Join the Facebook & LinkedIn Groups]
- Join the Kaltura Open Video meetup group to stay updated about upcoming developer meetups
I like Kaltura - where can I Contribute & Participate?
- Browse projects & downloads
- Browse issues and submit patches
- Make Kaltura better: Share your ideas
- Read documentation and add guides
- Post a job or offer your services
Join the Kaltura Exchange to share your applications, get audience and make money!

The Kaltura Application Exchange is a virtual marketplace for publishers, developers, integrators and web shops to "trade" in video applications & Kaltura Services. The Exchange is geared towards saving time and money for those looking to expand upon the core Kaltura platform for their own specific use case, and on the flip side to allow developers to publish and potentially generate revenue from their own Kaltura-related contributions.
On the Kaltura Exchange you can find an audience for your Kaltura applications as well as offer your services to Kaltura publishers looking for additional services, support, and solutions.